9539 Liberty Road, Frederick, MD 21701
Phone: 301-898-4009 ~ Fax: 240-668-3664
Gentle, complete veterinary care for the felines in your family
Link map for Frederick Cat Vet for directions, hours, bio of the veterinarian and staff, veterinary services offered and a tour of the veterinary practice
TIPS & TOPICS, and now more at facebook
Video Tips from Cornell Feline Health Center
Medical Issues
Kitten Stuff
Home Environment
Home Care Tips
Story Boarding
  Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV)

  Diabetes Mellitus


  Chronic Kidney Disease

  Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV)

  Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP)



 What exactly is "bloodwork"?

 Why Did My Cat Stop Using the Litter Box?

 Local Specialists


 Your Kitten's First Year

 What is a Spay and What is a Neuter?

 Why Spay and Neuter?

 Claws & Paws: Questions and Answers

 Top Ten Litter Box Tips

 Does Your Cat Drink From The Faucet?

 Cat Toys

 Food Puzzles

 Scratching Posts

 Introducing a New Cat to the Pride

 Choosing a Cat Food

 Warm Weather Tips

 Non-Toxic Plants & Toxic Plants

 How To Get Your Cat Into a Carrier

 Boosting Your Cat's Appetite

 How to Medicate Your Cat

 Some Topical Flea Treatments are Dangerous

 Administering Insulin

 Trimming Your Cat's Nails